As you know, the 8th edition of the Roma International Astroparticle Physics conference is planned for June 30-July 3rd in Roma “La Sapienza University”.
The Local Organizing Committee went quite far with the organization of the event: following the indications of the IAB several colleagues have been invited to contribute to the Conference, several colleagues have agreed to collaborate as conveners for the parallel sessions, many positive answers have been already received.
Unfortunately, the Corona Virus diffusion is now clearly pandemic, the present time profile of its evolution clearly indicates that, even being optimistic, it is difficult that before the end of May 2020 we could consider finished the emergency. At present in Italy, in Europe and over the world it is not possible to travel without restrictions.
We did wait until today hoping that the situation would have indicated an improvement and a possibility to resume, in very short time, a normality for travels and business. We cannot see now a serious possibility to maintain the RICAP-2020 organization for the foreseen date.
RICAP-2020 previously announced for the period June 30 - July 3 is now cancelled.
We strongly hope that after summer 2020 the COVID-19 emergency will be only a bad memory, we will continue planning the Conference for before the end 2020. As soon as it will be possible, we will communicate the new date.