7th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop

Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia "G. Galilei"- Edificio Paolotti - Via Paolotti 2/A (Padova)

Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia "G. Galilei"- Edificio Paolotti - Via Paolotti 2/A


Edificio Paolotti - Via Paolotti 2/A, 35121 Padova PD


The 7th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop will take place from the 23rd to 27th of September 2019 at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "G. Galilei", Padua, Italy. It is hosted by the Padova Cosmology group.

The purpose of these meetings is to start and advance collaborative works on the cosmological aspects of the signals that can be detected with LISA. This is done both through plenary talks and parallel discussion sessions, where different teams meet to discuss specific ongoing or planned research projects.

The research topics include:

  • Detection and characterization of stochastic backgrounds of GW
  • GW from first order phase transitions
  • Topological defects and GW
  • Standard sirens and cosmological tests of the late universe
  • Cosmological probes of General Relativity and non-standard paradigms
  • GW from Inflation and beyond
  • GW from primordial black holes and dark matter
  • Large Scale Structure and Gravitational waves

The registration (Registration Link) is now open and will remain open until the September 4 th. Deadline submission for contributed talks is fixed to July 24th. Also, please note that the workshop is restricted to LISA members only

Non-LISA members interested in the workshop should apply for membership, but due to the time delays in the application process, they should apply as soon as possible and definitely some months before the registration deadline. For instructions on the LISA application see here https://signup.lisamission.org/

The workshop is supported by the Department of Physics and Astronomy "G. Galilei", by the INFN Padova and by the University of Stavanger (Norway).

Secretary LISA CosWG Workshop Padova