Notes for discussion
Comments to the LS2 plan
Personnel experience. Critical point!
Number (and list) of FW experts per board
Until when personnel is expected to be on FTK at high FTE
Personnel location
List of milestones, responsible for each milestone.
Include 6 months training time for new people
QuestNP ready by June 2019
Multi DF system ready by ?
Possible estimates to be revisited. Are we covering all we need?
- removal of processing limits in current slices, e.g. using normal dataflow banks
- understanding processing rates vs limits and optimize FTK performance
- using the IM RAM for largers pseudo data
Italian activities
- Online SW
- VME infrastructure
- AM ASIC (production and support commissioning)
- AM board (production and commissioning)
FTK management and organization in 2019
Italian roles and visibility