Prof. Enrico Landi (Climate and Space Science and Engineering Department - University of Michigan) Solar wind heating and acceleration from in-situ and remote-sensing observtions
sala azzurra (lns)
sala azzurra
The solar wind plays a fundamental role in shaping the heliosphere, it governs the interactions in the near Earth space environment, and helps determining the severity of Space Weather events, and the hazard they pose to human technological assets.
Despite its importance and all the efforts aimed at studying it, we are still unable to answer two fundamental questions regarding the solar wind: 1) from what regions in the solar atmosphere are wind plasmas accelerated from
2) how is the solar wind heated and accelerated?
In this talk I will describe the results of a combined approach that includes 1) in-situmeasurements of wind properties from Ulysses and ACE, 2) remote sensing observationsfrom SoHO and Hinode, and 3) the Michigan 3D MHD global model, aimed at answering these questions, and illustrate a new, unified scenario for the solar wind phenomenon.