Accelerator Division

Design of the Diagnostic Stations for the ELI-NP Compton Gamma Source

by Marco Marongiu (ROMA1)

Aula Divisione Acceleratori (LNF INFN)

Aula Divisione Acceleratori


A high brightness electron Linac is being built in the Compton Gamma Source at the ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. To achieve the design luminosity, a train of 32 bunches, 16 ns spaced, with a nominal charge of 250 pC will collide with the laser beam in the interaction point. Electron beam spot size is measured with optical transition radiation (OTR) profile monitors. Furthermore, OTR angular distribution strongly depends on beam energy. Since OTR screens are typically placed in several positions along the Linac to monitor beam envelope, one may perform a distributed energy measurement along the machine. This will be useful, for instance, during the commissioning phase of the GBS in order to verify the correct functionality of the C-Band accelerating structures, due to the fact that there are OTR screens after each accelerating module. This talk deals with the studies of different optic configurations to achieve the field of view, resolution and accuracy in order to measure the energy of the beam. Several configurations of the optical detection line will be studied with simulation tools (e.g. Zemax)