Fisica dei plasmi per gli acceleratori e la ricerca multidisciplinare
DrDavid Mascali(LNS)
sala azzurra
sala azzurra
In plasma-based ion sources such as Electron Cyclotron Resonance-based ion sources the values of plasma density, temperature and confinement times (ne*ti>10^13 cm-3 sec; Te>10 keV) are similar to the ones of thermonuclear plasmas and of many astrophysical environments. ECRIS are nowadays able to produce extremely intense (tens or hundreds of mA) beams of light ions (p,d, He), as in the case of the proton source for the European Spallation Source, and relevant currents of heavier elements (C, O, N) up to heavy ions like Xe, Pb, U.
The above mentioned properties make these plasmas very attractive also for interdisciplinary researches, such as i) nuclear decays rates measurements in stellar-like conditions, ii) energy conversion studies, being exceptional sources of short-wavelength electromagnetic radiation (EUV, X-rays, hard X-rays and gamma, useful in material science and archaeometry), or iii) environments allowing precise spectroscopical measurements as benchmarks for magnetized astrophysical plasmas. The new perspectives for interdisciplinary research, recently supported by INFN under the feasibility study of PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decay Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry), will be particularly focused during the seminar.