2:30 PM
Approximate solutions of polarization state evolution in tokamak plasma polarimetry and their precision
Bohdan Bieg
(Maritime University of Szczecin, Poland)
2:30 PM
Thin and ultrathin conducting MoO3 films on copper: a new route for improved RF devices.
Salvatore Macis
(Università Roma Tor Vergata)
2:30 PM
Calibration of a Cherenkov diagnostic to study runaway electrons dynamics
Afra Romano
(ENEA, Fusion and Nuclear Safety Department, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (RM), Italy)
2:30 PM
Low Temperature Kinetic Model of Collective Thomson Scattering and its relevance to the measurements of ion features in fusion reactors
benedetta baiocchi
(IFP CNR Milano)
francesco paolo orsitto
(CREATE Consortium and ENEA Frascati)
william Bin
(IFP CNR Milano)
2:30 PM
Calibration of Polarimetric Thomson scattering by depolarization measurements of Raman scattering on Nitrogen
Pasquale Gaudio
(Universita Roma2 Tor Vergata)
edmondo giovannozzi
(enea frascati)
riccardo Rossi
(Universita Roma2 Tor Vergata)
2:30 PM
Characterization of a X-Ray source for contact-microscopy applications obtained from laser-produced plasma
Martina Salvadori
(Sapienza University of Rome and ENEA)
2:30 PM
Latency and throughput of online processing in Soft X-Ray GEM based measurement system
Paweł Linczuk
(Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
2:30 PM
TOF diagnosis of laser accelerated high-energy protons using diamond detector
Valentina Scuderi
(ELI-Beamlines, IoP-ASCR; INFN-LNS)
2:30 PM
Colour centres in lithium fluoride crystals for Bragg-curve imaging of low-energy proton beams by fluorescence microscopy
Massimo Piccinini
(ENEA Frascati)
2:30 PM
A new Data Handling of the IR Spectra of Electrolytic Solutions and Similarities with Thermonuclear Plasmas
Antonella De Ninno
2:30 PM
THz driven surface plasmon undulator
David Rohrbach
(University of Bern)
2:30 PM
SNIP-based algorithm for gamma-ray spectrum analysis
Maciej Linczuk
(Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronics Systems)
2:30 PM
Plume Characterization of a High Current LaB6 Hollow Cathode
Giulia Becatti
(University of Pisa)
2:30 PM
Ultrafast diagnostic for ultrashort laser pulse, applied to the VULCAN and FLAME laser systems
Mario Galletti
(Instituto Superior Tecnico)
2:30 PM
Gamma-ray Imaging of Fusion Plasmas
Teddy Craciunescu
(National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Raadiation Physics, Bucharest, Romania)
2:30 PM
An UV-LIF system to detect, identify and measure the concentration of biological agents in HVAC
Valentina Gabbarini
(Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy, 00133)
2:30 PM
The Project TELEMACO: Detection, Identification and Concentration measurement of Hazardous Chemical Agents
Riccardo Rossi
(1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Via del Politecnico 1, Rome, Italy, 00133)
2:30 PM
Investigation of Near-Frequency Spectral Features by 140 GHz Wave Probing Using a Smart Scattering Setup
Benedetta Baiocchi
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
2:30 PM
Absolute calibration of Fujifilm BAS-TR image plate response to high energy protons in the range 10-40 MeV
Philip Martin
(Queen's University Belfast)
2:30 PM
Absolute Calibration of Thomson Parabola-Micro Channel Plate (MCP) for multi-MeV laser driven carbon ions
Aodhan McIlvenny
(Queen's University of Belfast)
2:30 PM
Optimisation of the input polarisation angle on lines of sights of a polarimetry system for a fusion reactor
J. Chrzanowski
(Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland)
francesco paolo orsitto
(CREATE Consortium and ENEA Frascati)
2:30 PM
Irradiation and dosimetry arrangement for a radiobiological experiment employing laser-accelerated protons
Kathryn Polin
(Queen's University Belfast)
2:30 PM
Sensitivity improvement by optically-absorbent plastics of electro-optical probes for high-intensity electromagnetic-fields generated by laser-matter interaction
Fabrizio Consoli
(ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati)
2:30 PM
The development of a diamond detector based Bonner sphere spectrometer for neutron field characterization in the EAST tokamak
Zhimeng Hu
(Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
2:30 PM
A new approach to calorimetry in space based experiments for high-energy cosmic rays
Gabriele Bigongiari
(Università di Siena/INFN-Sezione di Pisa)
2:30 PM
Soft x-ray and gamma detectors based on Timepix chips for Laser Produced Plasmas
Gerardo Claps
2:30 PM
Optical diagnostics applied on Proto-Sphera plasmas
Giuseppe Galatola Teka
2:30 PM
Application of Miniaturized sensors to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, a new pathway for the survey of critical areas
Francesca Fumian
(Joint NBC Defence school of Rieti)