New approach to coupled-channels calculations for heavy-ion fusion reactions around the Coulomb barrier
Prof.Kouichi Hagino(Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan)
LAE meeting room (INFN-LNL)
LAE meeting room
Heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier are strongly influenced by couplings of the relative motion of the colliding nuclei to several nuclear intrinsic motions. In order to take into account those couplings, the coupled-channels approach has been a standard tool. In this approach, one often uses empirical information on nuclear intrinsic motions, taking a simple macroscopic model for nuclear structure, such as harmonic vibration. In this seminar, I will discuss how one can carry out coupled-channels calculations when there is only limited experimental information on intrinsic degrees of freedom. To this end, I will discuss two approaches. The first approach is to use the method of Bayesian spectrum deconvolution in order to fit an experimental barrier distribution directly with a sum of test functions. The second approach is a combination of microscopic nuclear structure calculations with the coupled-channels method. I will apply this approach particularly to the 16O+208Pb system, and discuss the role of anharmonicity of the octupole vibration of the 208Pb nucleus.