Roberto Petronzio Memorial Symposium

Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Centro Congressi Villa Mondragone- Sala degli Svizzeri

Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata - Centro Congressi Villa Mondragone- Sala degli Svizzeri

Anna Di Ciaccio (Director of the Sezione INFN at the University of Roma Tor Vergat), Rossana Marra (Director of the Physics Department at the University of Roma Tor Vergata)

One year after his premature passing away we warmly welcome you to join us in commemorating Roberto Petronzio.
Roberto was an outstanding scientist with a fine mathematical mind and an exceptional physical intuition. His fundamental contributions on all fronts of modern theoretical physics include the first complete calculation of the renormalization group evolution of parton densities beyond the leading order of the QCD perturbative expansion, the bounds on Higgs and top masses in the context of Grand Unification Theories, the connection between hard processes and mass singularities, the first non-perturbative calculation of electroweak hadronic matrix elements.   
With Nicola Cabibbo and Giorgio Parisi he was a leading figure of the APE project, aiming at designing and building a highly performant parallel supercomputer optimized for QCD calculations. By using the APE supercomputers of the first generation, Roberto pioneered the field of non-perturbative lattice QCD simulations and, subsequently, gave many fundamental contributions in this field.  
Roberto was a very charismatic person and a great leader. He was a highly appreciated science manager, a member of the Council of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, of the APPEC, of the CERN Council, of the ICTP Steering Committee and INFN President.

Roberto was a great teacher. He had an exceptionally thorough understanding of field theory and statistical mechanics and he was able to communicate his knowledge with enthusiasm to young students. A generation of brilliant physicists, spread across different laboratories and universities, is part of his legacy.


Organizers: P. Campana, M. Ciuchini, A. Di Ciaccio, M. Diemoz, R. Marra, N. Tantalo, M. Solinas

  • Adriano Di Giacomo
  • Alberto Lerda
  • Alberto Masoni
  • Alessandro Cianchi
  • alessandro di massa
  • Alessandro Drago
  • Alessandro Paoloni
  • Alice Aldi
  • Anastassios Vladikas
  • andrea levi
  • Andrea Scagliarini
  • Andrea Vacchi
  • Angelo Pagano
  • Angelo Rivetti
  • Anna Di Ciaccio
  • Anna Sgarlata
  • Antonio Baroncelli
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Arturo Moleti
  • Augusto Sagnotti
  • Beatrice Bonanni
  • Benedetto D'Ettorre Piazzoli
  • Carla Felici
  • Carlo Broggini
  • carlo di massa
  • Carlo Dionisi
  • Cecilia Tarantino
  • Claudio Goletti
  • Clementina Agodi
  • Davide Badoni
  • Davide Bufalini
  • Davide Giusti
  • Diego Bettoni
  • Elena Accarino
  • Emanuele Santovetti
  • Eugenio Coccia
  • Eugenio Nappi
  • Fabio Ciolli
  • Fabio Riccioni
  • Fabio Zwirner
  • Federico Ruggieri
  • Filippo Ceradini
  • Folco Scudieri
  • francesco fidaleo
  • Francesco Fucito
  • Gabriele Veneziano
  • Giacomo Cuttone
  • Giancarlo Rossi
  • Gianfranco Bocchinfuso
  • Gianfranco Pradisi
  • Gianni Valerio Vinci
  • Giorgio Capon
  • Giorgio Matthiae
  • Giorgio Parisi
  • Giorgio Salerno
  • Giovanni La Rana
  • giovanni ricco
  • Giulia Maria de Divitiis
  • Giulia Pancheri
  • Giuseppe Battistoni
  • Giuseppe Benfatto
  • Giuseppe Finocchiaro
  • Giuseppe Ruzzi
  • Graziano Bruni
  • Graziano Fortuna
  • Ivan Davoli
  • Jose Francisco MORALES
  • Laura Fazi
  • Licia De Simoni
  • Livio Conti
  • Livio Narici
  • Lorenzo Piro
  • Luca Biferale
  • Luca Petronzio
  • Luca Silvestrini
  • Lucia Sabbatini
  • Luciano Maiani
  • Marcella Diemoz
  • Marco Ciuchini
  • Marco Ricci
  • Maria Cristina Morone
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • Maria Rita D'Ottavi
  • Marina Scudieri
  • Marta Solinas
  • Martin Lüscher
  • Massimo Bianchi
  • Massimo Carpinelli
  • Massimo Fanfoni
  • maurizia palummo
  • Maurizio Firrotta
  • Maurizio Paci
  • Michela Ricciardelli
  • Nadia Pastrone
  • Nazario Tantalo
  • Nicola de Divitiis
  • Nicola Vittorio
  • Olivia Pulci
  • Pamela Pergolini
  • Paola Castrucci
  • Paolo Natoli
  • Paolo Ricco
  • Paolo Valente
  • Paride Paradisi
  • Pasquale Lubrano
  • Petros Dimopoulos
  • Pier Andrea Mando'
  • Piergiorgio Picozza
  • Pierluigi Campana
  • Piero Vicini
  • Pietro Ubertini
  • Rachele Anna Di Salvo
  • Raffaele Tripiccione
  • Rita Bernabei
  • Roberta Sparvoli
  • Roberto Ammendola
  • Roberto Benzi
  • Roberto Frezzotti
  • Roberto Senesi
  • Roberto Verzicco
  • Rossana Marra
  • Sabino Meola
  • Salvatore Nicosia
  • sauro succi
  • Schillaci Orazio
  • Sergio Nasi
  • Silvia Morante
  • Silvia Petronzio
  • Simone La Cesa
  • Susanna Guiducci
  • Velia Minicozzi
  • Vincenzo Canale
  • Viviana Fafone
  • Yassen Stanislavov Stanev
  • Yury Minenkov
  • Владимир Пастушенко