Charm physics prospects at the Belle II experiment Giacomo De Pietro (Roma3) Belle II is a major upgrade of the Belle experiment, and will operate at the B-factory SuperKEKB, located at the KEK laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan. Although Belle II has been designed to perform precise measurements in the b-quark sector, it will also be an ideal laboratory to study the properties of the charm quark. The experiment is expected to collect within the next decade a data sample of more than 10^10 ccbar events with a total integrated luminosity of about 50 ab^-1. In this talk we will discuss the expected sensitivity of Belle II for D mixing and direct CPV measurements, which will benefit from a factor 50 increase in statistics and improved vertex detection. Several decay channels will be reviewed, some of which (e.g. those with lepton-neutrino, neutral pions and other neutrals) will be complementary to those studied at LHCb. A novel method of flavour tagging to substantially increase the sample of D^0 and anti-D^0 will also be presented.