Aperitivo Scientifico: Going differential: new frontiers in Top Quark physics at the Large Hadron Collider present highlights & (hints to) future prospects
DrFrancesco Spanò(Royal Holloway University of London)
Aula A (Dep. of Physics and Astronomy)
Aula A
Dep. of Physics and Astronomy
via Irnerio, 46
The increasingly large production rate of events containing top quarks at the Large Hadron Collider opens the unique possibility of measurements of differential cross sections as a function of new variables in unexplored regions of phase space.
Such measurements represent the unifying theme of an overarching analysis program that tests the standard model by measuring detailed kinematic and topological properties of top quark production and decay, complements and enhances searches for new physics, measures the top quark pole mass and constrains the gluon content of the proton.