Nuclei around N=90 lie at the onset of deformation and are known to be very soft with respect to the deformation. The neutron above the N =82 shell closure occupy the f7/2 and i13/2 orbitals. The closeness of this set of l=3, j=3 orbitals among themselves gives rise to the =3 deformation in these nuclei. Several nuclei in the heavier N=90 region (e.g., 160Yb, 154Gd etc.) have been predicted to be suitable candidates for =3 non-axially symmetric Tetrahedral deformation. Experimental studies have been performed using Indian National Gamma Array (INGA) consisting of 20 Clover HPGe detectors for studying 160Yb (one of the most suitable candidate for the observation of Tetrahedral Symmetry) with Heavy Ion beam of 14UD Pelletron facility of the country. During the seminar, the 160Yb (Z=70, N=90) nucleus will be discussed in the context of Tetrahedral Symmetry.
There have been ample experimental evidences of pear shape =3 octupole deformation in various lighter N=90 region nuclei, e.g., 151Pm, 149,151Sm & 153,155Eu.
Using in-house VECC Detector Array consisting of Clover HPGe, LEPS and fast timing CeBr3 scintillator detectors, off-beam experiments have been performed using K=130 Cyclotron of VECC to study low spin states of 150Sm and 150Pm nucleus with Light Ion Beam. Moreover, several isomeric states have so far been observed in odd-odd isotopes of 150Pm nucleus. The search for the possibility of existence of Isomeric states will be addressed to in case of 150Pm nucleus.
Altogether, the various experimental observations along with the underlying physics will be discussed in the seminar.