n_ToF Collaboration Meeting
18 May 2016, 08:00
20 May 2016, 18:00
Catania, Italy
Catania, Italy
n_TOF Collaboration Meeting
will be held on May 18-19 in Catania, Italy.
It will be followed by the
Collaboration Board Meeting
on the 20 morning.
toolkit with the instructions
for the participant is available (and recommended) for download.
Adam Brown
Adria Casanovas
Aleksandra Gawlik
Alessandro Masi
Alexandru Negret
Alfredo Ferrari
Andreea Oprea
Annamaria Mazzone
Anton Wallner
Athanasios Stamatopoulos
Atsushi Kimura
Claudia Lederer
Cristian Massimi
Damir Bosnar
Daniel Cano Ott
Desiree Radeck
Emmeric DUPONT
Enrico Chiaveri
Federica Mingrone
Francisco Calvino
Frank Gunsing
gilardoni simone
Giorgio Bellia
Giuseppe Tagliente
Helmut Leeb
Ignacio Duran
Isabel Ferro Gonçalves
Jan Heyse
Jorge Lerendegui-Marco
Jose L. Tain
Jozef Andrzejewski
Kathrin Göbel
Laurent Audouin
Laurent Tassan-Got
Lucia Damone
Luigi Cosentino
Macina Daniela
Marco Calviani
Maria Diakaki
Mario Mastromarco
Marta Sabate Gilarte
Massimo Barbagallo
Massimo Piscopo
Michael Bacak
Nicola Colonna
Oliver Aberle
Oscar Trippella
Paolo Finocchiaro
Paolo Maria Milazzo
Petar Zugec
Peter Schillebeeckx
Ralf Nolte
Rene Reifarth
roberto cardella
Sarah-Jane Lonsdale
Schumann Dorothea
Sergio Cristallo
Sergio Lo Meo
Stephan Heinitz
Toby Wright
Vasilis Vlachoudis
Vincenzo Variale
Yonghao CHEN
The agenda of this meeting is empty