Sep 4 – 9, 2016
Europe/Rome timezone


Registration Form

Opened Feb 26, 2016
Closed Sep 5, 2016

We encourage early registration. The conference fee is defined as: 350 euros before 30/6/2016 400 euros before 31/8/2016 450 euros onsite and it includes coffe breaks refreshments, lunches (Monday through Thursday) and the social dinner. Payment details The conference fee can be paid in advance via 1) bank transfer - using the coordinates below Recipient name: CIFS (Consorzio Interuniversitario di Fisica Spaziale) Recipient bank: INTESA SAN PAOLO IBAN: IT71Q 03069 09217 10000 0460045 SWIFT code: BCITITMM 2) credit card - by compiling the attached form and sending it by email or fax to the scientific secretariat: Gabriella Ardizzoia Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale (CIFS) Fax number: +39 011 670 5883 Please specify in the registration notes any request you might have for the receipt in order to get refund from your home institute

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.