MEDICIS Project: Ventilation System

by Dr Andrea Polato (CERN)

Director meeting room (INFN-LNL)

Director meeting room


In 2015 the Class A Laboratory of the ISOLDE Facility will undergo to an extension to host in the new premises created:
• a storage for hot targets;
• hot cell for the dismantling of the irradiated targets;
• MEDICIS Laboratory;
• Airlock chambers between the class A Laboratory and the ISOLDE Tunnel
The increase of the activity inside the laboratory required the design of a ventilation system to create a pressure differential cascade to force the preferential flows of air from low to high contamination rooms.
The design was made on the base of:
• constraints of the Swiss directive relative to the laboratories for the handling non sealed radioactive sources (ORaP 814.554);
• The reference international normative for the ventilation of nuclear facilities except nuclear reactors (ISO 17873:2004);
• The French expertise in the field of nuclear installations;
The presentation will show the details of the proposed system tackling its peculiar aspects with respect to conventional industrial HVAC installations.