
Coulomb Sturmian functions in spheroidal coordinates: application in molecular physics, nanophysics and astrophysics

by TAMAZ KERESELIDZE (Ivane Javakhishvili Tblisi State University)

Aula 4 (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio E. Fermi)

Aula 4

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio E. Fermi

Coulomb Sturmian functions are derived in prolate spheroidal coordinates and are presented in a closed algebraic form. A reduction of symmetry from spherical to axial leads to the coupling of spherical polar orbitals and the formation of hybrid orbitals. The contribution of each spherical orbital into a hybrid orbital depends strongly on distance R between the foci of spheroidal coordinates, and substantially alters when R varies. Application of the derived wave functions for the calculation characteristics of diatomic molecules, nanoparticles of ellipsoidal shape and the astrophysical phenomenon such as the formation of hydrogen in the early universe is discussed.