
Supersymmetric Yangian, DIM algebra, and AGT relation

by Dr Kilar Zhang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Aula Teorici (DIFA)

Aula Teorici


Via Irnerio, 46
The affine Yangian of {gl}_1 is known to be isomorphic to W_{1+\infty}, the W-algebra that characterizes the bosonic higher spin -- CFT duality.We propose defining relations of the Yangian that is relevant for the N=2 superconformal version of W_{1+\infty}. Our construction is based on the observation that the N=2 superconformal W_{1+\infty} algebra contains two commuting bosonic W_{1+\infty} algebras, and that the additional generators transform in bi-minimal representations with respect to these two algebras. The corresponding affine Yangian can therefore be built up from two affine Yangians of {gl}_1 by adding in generators that transform appropriately. Besides, I will discuss other quantum algebras intertwined in AGT relation.