9–13 May 2016
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Rome), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Aim of the workshop:
2016 LNF Spring School Frascati, May 9-13, 2016 Lectures are arranged in slots of 1.5 hours, for a total of 14 slots. Time is equally shared between Theoretical and Experimental topics/lectures. Theoretical topics (TL1: 3 lectures; TS2 and TS3: 2 lectures) are matched to related experimental topics (EL1: 3 lectures; ES2, ES3, 2 lectures). The School Program also includes: -Two Sessions of the Young Researchers Workshop: Monday 9th and Thursday 12th , 4.30-6.30pm. -Two Discussion Sessions: Tuesday 10th and Friday 13th , 4.30-6.00pm. -The Spring School Colloquium on Science and Technology: Tuesday 10th , 6.00-7.00pm. Topic No. of Lectures Speaker Theory: TL1: Dark Matter: models and signatures 3 Alejandro Ibarra (Munich, Tech. U.) TS2: Neutrinoless double beta decay: Theory 2 Werner Rodejohann (MPIK, Heidelberg) TS3: Signatures of new physics at LHC 2 Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg U., ITP) Experimental: EL1: Dark Matter: Experimental searches 3 Marc Schumann (AEC, Bern U.) ES2: Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments 2 Stefan Schönert (Munich, Tech. U.) ES3: Searches for new particles at the LHC 2 Oliver Buchmueller (Imp. Coll., London) Spring School Colloquium The SETI Project Explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the Universe (Tuesday 10th , 6.00pm) Seth Shostak Senior Astronomer and Director, Center for SETI research SCHEDULE AM PM 9.00-10.30 11.00-12.30 2.30-4.00 4.30-6.00 6.00-7.00 9/5 Mon TL1(DMth) EL1(DMexp) TS2(0n2bTh) Young Reserchers Workshop (4.30-6.30pm) 10/5 Tue TL1(DMth) EL1(DMexp) TS2(0n2bTh) Discussion Session Spring School Colloquium 11/5 Wed TL1(DMth) EL1(DMexp) Excursion 12/5 Thur TS3(MnXth) ES3(MnXEx) ES2(0n2bExp) Young Reschers Workshop (4.30-6.30pm) 13/5 Fri TS3(MnXth) ES3(MnXEx) ES2(0n2bExp) Discussion Session Notes: 9/5 Mon 8.30 AM Registration 6.45 PM Welcome Party 10/5 Tue 8.00 PM Social Banquet in Frascati
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (Rome), Italy
High Energy Building, Bruno Touschek Auditorium
Via E.Fermi 40 I-00044 Frascati (RM)
Secretariat: Maddalena Legramante Phone: 0039 06 94032791 Fax 0039 06 94032900 maddalena.legramante@lnf.infn.it