------------------------------------------------------- LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS AT FAMU MEETINGS ------------------------------------------------------- (not fully updated for past events) -------------------------------------------------------- ********************************** FAMU Zoom meeting 26 March 2021 ********************************** FAMU target tests & software Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutt ********************************** FAMU Zoom meeting 19 March 2021 ********************************** Sviluppi LaBr3:Ce da 1" con lettura tramite array SiPM da 1" Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) ********************************** FAMU Zoom meeting on Analysis 22 January 2021 ********************************** Transfer rate at low temperaure (<80K), DEC2018 data Speaker: Simone Monzani (MI) Concentration and temperature dependence, DEC2018 Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto (TS) Paper on 2018 data analysis Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi (BO) Other analyses Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti (TS) ********************************** FAMU Zoom meeting con RAL 15 December 2020 ********************************** Experiment status Speaker: Andrea Vacchi Status at RAL Speaker: Adrian Hillier Target status & computing setup Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti (TS) Laser system status Speakers: Dr Jose Juan Suarez Vargas (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Marco Baruzzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) IR sensors for laser alignment Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) Cavity alignment Speaker: Luigi Moretti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) X-ray detectors Speaker: Dr Giuseppe Baldazzi (BO) X-ray detectors Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) Activity time schedule Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto (TS) ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting 20 November 2020 ********************************** Stato del target e setup at RAL Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting 13 November 2020 ********************************** Scintillatori Avanzati Speaker: Dr Giuseppe Baldazzi (BO) Crystals with SiPM array readout Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting 30 October 2020 ********************************** Sensori per il laser Speaker: Maurizio Bonesini ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting on Data Analysis 23 October 2020 ********************************** Transfer rate con dati ossigeno dicembre 2018: FitLook (FL) signal reconstruction vs SuperQuickLook (SQL) Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto (TS) Transfer rate con dati ossigeno marzo 2018: FitLook (FL) vs SuperQuickLook (SQL) Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi (BO) Inizio studio condensazione gas Speaker: Simone Monzani ********************************** International FAMU collaboration meeting 2020 2 July 2020 ********************************** Update on RIKEN's mup HFS measurement with spin polarization Speaker: Katsu Ishida Layout in Port1: overview, preparation of beamtime and time plan Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) Status at RAL Speaker: Adrian Hillier current status, installation @criotec, tests at Trieste, cavity light injection Speaker: Luigi Moretti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) operations at RAL, calibration cell, publications and available documentation Speaker: Lyubomir Stoychev (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Laser control system Speaker: Marco Baruzzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) LaBr:Ce coupled with UQE PMT detectors: an overview Speaker: Dr Giuseppe Baldazzi MIB detectors: an update Speaker: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB) Physics and Analysis: Energy dependence of the transfer rate Speaker: Dimitar Bakalov Analysis current status Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti (TS) Oxygen transfer rate from 80 K to 335 K Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi (BO) Transfer rate with SiPM-LaBr Speaker: Davide Ghittori ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting on Data Analysis 12 June 2020 ********************************** Transfer rate extension at 80K, 2018/12 run Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto LaBr3 detectors read by SiPM: calibrations and 2018/12 run Speaker: Davide Ghittori Transfer rate extension above 300K, 2018/03 runs Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi Improved signal reconstruction Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti Transfer rate with Argon 2016 Speaker: Marco Baruzzo ********************************** FAMU Zoom meeting with RAL 5 June 2020 ********************************** Design and timeplan ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting on Data Analysis 15 May 2020 ********************************** Introduction - ongoing and possible analyses Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti Transfer rate extension at 80K, 2018/12 Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto Transfer rate extension above 300K, 2018/12 and 2018/03 runs Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi Transfer rate with Argon 2016 Speaker: Marco Baruzzo ********************************** FAMU Vibe meeting on Data Analysis 8 April 2020 ********************************** Introduction - ongoing and possible analyses Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti 2020 target: GEANT4 simulations Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti LaBr3 detectors read by SiPM: calibrations and 2018/12 run Speaker: Davide Ghittori Transfer rate extension at 80K, 2018/12 Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto Transfer rate extension above 300K, 2018/12 and 2018/03 runs Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi Transfer rate with Argon 2016 Speaker: Marco Baruzzo ********************************** FAMU Skype meeting 19 February 2020 ********************************** MC: X ray maps with 2020 Target Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti ********************************** FAMU meeting at RAL (Coseners) 27 november 2019 ********************************** The FAMU experiment: introduction Speaker: Andrea Vacchi (TS) New target: structure and simulations Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti (TS) Multipass optical cavity Speaker: Eugenio Fasci Laser system: status Speaker: Dr Jose Juan Suarez Vargas Detectors Speaker: Maurizio Bonesini Experimental layout in Port1 Speaker: Marco Baruzzo PORT-1 preparation: status and planning Speaker: Adrian Hillier Time schedule Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti *** Analysis Runs at RAL & analysis 2016 results Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti DEC2018 data analysis and optimal target condition for the 2020 measurement Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto ********************************** 13th FAMU meeting - Trieste 7 november 2019 ********************************** Introduction and time planning Speaker: Andrea Vacchi Laser system Speaker: Lyubomir Stoychev Analysis of December 2018 data Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi Simulations and cavity plans Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti Layout at RAL: optical table and layout Speaker: Marco Baruzzo ********************************** 12th FAMU meeting - Bologna 30 september 2019 ********************************** *** Operative framework 2019-2020¶ Introduction Speaker: Andrea Vacchi (TS) Assembly plan: structure and organisation in Port 1 Speaker: Marco Baruzzo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) *** Laser Laser status + time plan update Speaker: Lyubomir Stoychev (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Laser pointing detectors Speaker: Giuseppe Baldazzi (BO) *** Cavity Cavity update Speaker: Luigi Moretti Target Monte Carlo Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti *** Analysis The signal tail explained Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti Analysis of the 2018 DECEMBER data: revision of the calibration and background estimation Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto Dati Marzo 2018 Speaker: Antonio Sbrizzi Publications plan FAMU_proposal_paper_on_EPJA_v20190930.pdf ********************************** International FAMU Collaboration meeting - Trieste 2 July 2019 - 4 July 2019 ********************************** *** Introduction Experiment status and introduction to RAL beam request Speaker: Andrea Vacchi FAMU: latest results in the measurement of the transfer rate from μp to Oxygen Conference presentation @ Int. Conf. on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants Speaker: Cecilia Pizzolotto *** Target and cavity Target status: general introduction and simulations Speaker: Emiliano Mocchiutti Tests of cavity optics and coating Speaker: Luigi Moretti *** Laser Laser general status & operativity at RAL Speaker: Lyubomir Stoychev INO activities laser wavelength absolute calibration Speaker: Guido Toci (FI) Cr:forsterite laser upgrading at INO Florence Speakers: Guido Toci (FI), Humberto Cabrera Morales (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Oscillator activities in collaboration with China Speakers: Andrea Vacchi (TS), Miltcho Danailov Laser control system Speaker Marco Baruzzo Laser diagnostics Speaker: Marco Baruzzo The DFG breadboard Speaker: Jose Juan Suarez Vargas Fiber tests Speakers: Maurizio Giorgio Bonesini (MIB), Roberto Benocci (MIB) *** DAQ laser slow control Speaker: Marco Baruzzo **** CONTINUES WITH WEDNESTAY ****