25–26 Mar 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
This workshop will take place at LNL from the 25th to the 26th of March 2019, with the aim to discuss within the gamma spectroscopy community the physics opportunities offered by the use of the AGATA position sensitive ge detector array with stable beams at LNL. The LNL accelerator complex offers to users heavy ion beams provided by the 15 MV Tandem and by the ALPI superconductive LINAC, the latter used either coupled to the Tandem or to the heavy ion injector PIAVE. The stable beams range from protons to lead with energies up to 10-15 MeV/nucleon. During the workshop plenty of space will be given to the presentation of physics ideas, Letters of Intent and complementary equipment necessary to ensure a competitive scientific program with AGATA and stable beams at LNL.
Villi meeting room
Viale dell'Università 2, Legnaro (Padova), Italy