19–22 Jun 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

Supernova remnant studies with Fermi-LAT

21 Jun 2012, 12:00


Officine Cantelmo


Dr John Hewitt (NASA Goddard)


Long thought to be capable of supplying the high energy cosmic rays in the Galaxy, supernova remnant (SNRs) are ideal sites to study cosmic-ray acceleration. Here I present recent results from Fermi-LAT, including the detection of the SNR Puppis A. Extended gamma-ray emission from the remnant is found to match the IR and X-ray morphology. Applying knowledge of the photon field and ambient density from multi-wavelength data allows detailed modeling of the origin of very high energy gamma-ray emission. Such multi-wavelength modeling improves our general understanding of these SNRs, and the physical parameters crucial to understanding particle acceleration and diffusion. I will also explore ways in which multi-wavelength data can be utilized to classify GeV detections in the Fermi-LAT Catalog of SNRs. A large sample of identified SNRs is needed for a comparative study of particle acceleration, probing the origins of cosmic rays.

Primary author

Dr John Hewitt (NASA Goddard)

Presentation materials