19–22 Jun 2012
Europe/Rome timezone

Science with the ASTRI prototype

22 Jun 2012, 15:25


Officine Cantelmo


Nicola SARTORE (INAF - Milano)


ASTRI is a flagship project of the italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research and represents the italian proposal for the development of the Small Scale Telescope (SST) system of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which is the planned next generation observatory for very high energy gamma-rays (20 GeV - 100 TeV). The ASTRI (Astrofisica a Specchi con Tecnologia Replicante Italiana) end-to-end prototype will be installed at Serra La Nave (Catania, Italy) and will see its first light in 2014. We describe the expected performance of the prototype on few selected test cases of the northern emisphere. The aim of the prototype is to probe the technological solutions and the nominal performance of the various telescope's subsystems

Primary author

Nicola SARTORE (INAF - Milano)

Presentation materials