Neutron Spectrometry using LNL's Bonner Sphere System

by Lucia Sarchiapone (LNL)

Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)

Rostagni meeting room


Neutron spectrometry based on multispheres’ system (Bonner Spheres) is commonly used by many laboratories because of its almost isotropic response, wide energy range and easy operational approach. The LNL Bonner Sphere Spectrometer, based on a ^6 LiI(Eu) scintillator and 7 moderating spheres, coupled to the unfolding tool FRUIT 6.0 was used to achieve neutron spectra generated by the interaction of protons of various energies with suitable targets. The CN Van de Graaff accelerator can deliver up to 7 MeV protons meanwhile the JRC Ispra cyclotron covers the range up to 40 MeV. Using the Monte Carlo code FLUKA reference neutron spectra have been obtained in realistic irradiation conditions. Those spectra and those obtained by the unfolding procedure have been compared. All spectra are reproduced at 0° angle. Neutron ambient dose equivalent has been evaluated, as well, using FLUKA and FRUIT and also measured using a Rem Counter.