Low Energy Nuclear Theori in Condensed Matter Systems
Yogendra Srivastava(INFN, Dipartimento di Fisica di Perugia)
Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G. Marconi)
Aula Conversi
Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G. Marconi
Under specific external stimulus, electrons and protons on the surfaceof certain materials can be be induced to undergo periodic oscillations. In particular, the electrons can and have been accelerated from MeV to GeV range energies to make “Table Top” electron accelerators. It has also been proposed that the accelerated electrons can be made to combine with protons so as to produce low energy neutrons which in turn can initiate nuclear transmutations. Several examples of electric, magnetic and elastic stimuli shall be discussed and some experimental results would be presented.