ATTENZIONE: Lunedì 15 Luglio, dalle 13:00 alle 15:00 sarà effettuato un intervento di manutenzione su Durante tale fascia oraria il servizio potrà risultare non raggiungibile.

ATTENTION: On Monday 15 July, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, maintenance will be carried out on During this time slot, the service may be unreachable.

23–28 Sept 2012
Alghero, Sardegna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
The international conferences "Charged & Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena" (known by the acronym "Channeling"), organized by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), are the meetings devoted to the discussion on the advances in physics of coherent and incoherent scattering of hadrons and leptons (protons, ions, electrons, muons and related antiparticles) in matter of various structures, amorphous and crystalline. The topics of our meetings covers fundamental aspects of the studies, theoretical and experimental, together with several wide-used techniques for applications in scientific instrumentation as well as for experiments at famous accelerator centres; recently the number of applications in radiation physics have been also announced.
Alghero, Sardegna, Italy
Hotel Calabona
The registration fee of 350€ (100€ for each accompanying person) payment in advance could be done via bank transfer using the following transfer data: Holder: INFN IBAN: IT04P0200839105000400439177 BIC: UNCRITM1385 Bank: UNICREDIT SPA Agenziadi Frascati - INFN Via E. Fermi 40 00044 Frascati Swift: UNCRITM1385 Note: Channeling 2012: registration fee of 350€ by "Last&First names" Please, be sure that your name appears on the receipt (in the field "Last First names"), which will be also requested to present upon your registration in Alghero. In case you prefer to pay in cash it could be done directly at the registration desk in Alghero. The registration desk will be opened on Sunday, September 23, 2012, in "Teatro Civico" of Alghero at 13:00, and successfully, from Monday, September 24, 2012, at the conference hall of the Hotel Calabona.