High-spin structures in 188Os and 187Ir

by Dr Victor Modamio Høybjør (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC Madrid, España)

LAE meeting room (INFN-LNL)

LAE meeting room


Comprehensive high-spin structures of 188Os and 187Ir (Z=76,77) were populated in the (7Li,xn{p,d,t}) incomplete-fusion channels and (7Li,xn) channels using a 7Li+186W reaction. In these transitional nuclei a complex interplay between different competing degrees of freedom is observed: new high-K intrinsic states have been established in 188Os near the yrast line, and the low reduced hindrance observed for a DeltaK=14 decay can only be explained by means of gamma degree of freedom. On the level scheme of 187Ir, the extended structure based on the odd proton h11/2 is interpreted as families in which the K=2+ one phonon and K=4+ two phonon states of the core 186Os are coupled, opposed to the standard interpretation of these states within the particle plus triaxial rotor model. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in 2003, with the GASP spectrometer together with the ISIS Si-ball.